Thursday, December 20, 2012

Where's the Manual?

Well I got inspired what a friend of mine was saying today. They were commenting on sporks about how you can never figure out how to use them properly. As it is too small to be used for soup and the prongs are too short and flimsy to be used as a fork. So how do you use it and what for?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wind Power

Well I got another inspiration from some of my music. This time by Thomas Dolby and the song Windpower. So here is the image I made from the song.

I made another version of this image with a different colored font because I didn't really like how the above one came out.

Also here is what the song is like if you have never heard it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rocket Science?

Well I have been hearing the phrase, "This isn't rocket science" very often lately. So it inspired me to make a poster asking "How hard could it be?" So I actually did a little looking into rocket science and found some good information on the equations. Ideal Rocket Equation - Wikipedia It turns out rocket science actually isn't all that hard, it is just a lot of variables. But anyways I used some of the equations from the link and threw them into the image, so yes those are real equations. 

Deviantart Link